Ontology ONLINE
semantic web experiment with a focus on Ontology Visualisation and Querying.
For an idea of what we are about:
Check out jOWL, a javascript library for traversing OWL-RDFS documents (under development).
Dig through the available Ontologies with the ontology Interface, find what you are looking for amidst the more than 70.000 information pages:
Ontology InterfaceOntologyOnline LogoOntology DirectoryAn online listing of existing ontologies, taxonomies, folksonomies etc...Gene OntologyMolecular functions, biological processes and cellular components.Cell Cycle OntologyAn extension to the Gene Ontology, all about the Cell cycle (proteins, genes, ...).Cell Type OntologyAll about cells.Tree of LifeAn example of an ontology annotated with URL'sMore...
Ontology Mashup
AJAX/Javascript functionality pulls relevant data about concepts in from a mix of websites. The concept widgets:
Books: Matching Book Results as defined by google.
Images: Matching Image Results as defined by google.
Blog entries: Matching Blog Entries as defined by BlogLines.
Digg stories: Matching Digg news
Featured Site: A site that provides encyclopedic information about the concept (not always defined - Cfr. Tree of Life for frequent examples).
Instance data: In development, a widget that requests instance data about a given class from FreeBase. For a preview: the widget under development
Makes use of: jQuery, Google Ajax API's.
Custom created ontologies, as well as some OBO Foundry Ontologies, see the Ontology Interface above or browse all available Namespaces. The ontologies are converted into a relational database format (MySQL database) which allows more flexibility in retrieving connections (bidirectional access to horizontal and vertical relations in the ontology).
Everything you need,
Myweb lifetree
A small phylogenetic tree, annotated with weblinks. Built by ontologyonline.org - 2007.
MyWeb Tree of Life is for demonstration purposes only, it is not intended to be complete.
expand hide siblings
Myweb lifetree
Archaebacteria - domain
Bacteria - domain
Eukaryota - domain
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